The World’s First 100% Accurate Bitmex Indicator – REKTICATOR 2000 & RESULTS!

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Bitmex Indicator – Rekticator Results: While the clickbait-ish title of this post, yes I admit that. It is meant to be quite funny, though the topic of this post is quite serious. Due to our Bitmex Signals & general Crypto Signals Post, we are in several trading chatrooms by many signal providers. We stay in all channels we recommend to make sure the quality remains intact. As we are in the chatrooms of the channels on SmartOptions. We have noticed the things we read there, are screaming “I WANT TO GET REKT”. This happens way too often, so we will address it in this post.

Consequently you might have joined one or more of these channels to get advisory and guidance. Guidance is key with the Bitmex indicator. Which is a good thing if the channel is operated in a good way. Also you want to encounter your insecurities. The thing is, we see the same mistakes made on Bitmex over and over again. We don’t judge that, we’ve been there ourselves. Maybe years ago, but still we know this is just the way our brains and our emotions work.

But these habits will kill your balance sooner or later. Experienced traders know that. So, we created a “Bitmex indicator” and did a quiz of which as we thought over 90% of you FAILED! All ending in the Sir Rekt A Lot catagory 🙁

Bitmex Indicator Results Over 90% Fail Rate = Sir Rekt A Lot 🙁

Bitmex Indicator Rexticator quiz results
Sir Rekt A Lot “Over 90% Failure Rate”

In short this means over 90% of you are likely to burn/empy/crush/lose your Bitmex leveraged accounts. The reasons we list below for you to peruse through. Our Bitmex indicator tells us that you guys are likely to be TOAST! This Bitmex Indicator is not here to judge you. Just to help you not blow your account. So keep in mind why you might wish to not do what most do below.

  • 25x – 50x – 100x Leverage used often!
  • Emotional trading decisions excluding logic
  • No planning of trades
  • No stoploss orders used
  • Betting it all on one trade or series of trades
  • No money management plan used

This Bitmex indicator, which is basically a quiz, calculates your chances of getting rekt, based on the answers you choose.  By doing this test you will be able to estimate how your emotional/psychological habits.

If you want to take this test, make sure that your chosen replies align with your behavior, and not what you think the right answer might be. You can’t choose a “wrong” answer, but you can answer in a wrong way if you try to guess which option might be “correct”. Reflect yourself and choose how you would have acted in reality. Taking out the picture of what we might have for ourselves and take a step beside, is the first thing to kill your emotions and bad trading habits. Real replies = real results.

– REKTICATOR 2000 Quiz Guidelines

New Rekticator 4000 Coming Soon!

Bitmex Indicator - Rekticator 4000 coming soon!

Due to the popularity of the ‘Rekticator 2000″ We will bring back in the future an updated version, along with a How To Guide in Bitmex trading.


This article is for educational purposes only. We are no financial advisors. The information provided from SmartOptions is for informational purposes only. It should not be considered legal or financial advice. You should consult with a financial advisor or other professional to find out what may be best for your individual needs and risk tolerance.

Please do your own research and never let anyone trade your account for you. We do not support or advertise Fund Management in any kind of manner. We solely review signal providers, their work/analysis/provided education. Please read this disclaimer and leave the website if you disagree with it.


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  1. Hi, the test does not seem to be available anymore..? Any chance you can set it up again? I’d love to check myself out!! 😉



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Is a German tech hipster hippy influencer, a marketer, a father and a righteous man of the Deutschland. He is a believer that love can conquer the world, crypto, funky, crazy, but love never hurts anyone. So light up a spliff and dig the vibe dude!